What Does Self-Care Mean to You?

What Does Self-Care Mean to You?

Self-Care Is...

  • Paying attention to your mind, checking in and listening to what is going on in our thoughts.

  • The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness.

  • Something that you need to plan rather than something that just happens.

I view self-care as listening to your needs and finding a way to do things that feed your spirit and bring you joy. One of the things I do for self-care is to schedule weekly time to spend with my girlfriends. I always find time to meet a friend for either breakfast, lunch or dinner at least once a week. I also make plans to be with a group of girls for golf, book club or mindless shopping and wandering. The joy of spending time with friends who love me just as I am—flaws and all, makes me smile.

Here is a photo of me and some gal pals that I golf with. We call ourselves “Chicks with Sticks”!

Here is a photo of me and some gal pals that I golf with. We call ourselves “Chicks with Sticks”!

What do you do for self-care?  What makes you smile and brings you joy? Make a list of the things and people who bring joy to your life.
If you are having trouble creating the list and you want to talk about self-care, contact me today!

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