Did You Accomplish Your Resolutions at the End of 2020?

Did You Accomplish Your Resolutions at the End of 2020?

Yes, I intended to say 2020—it wasn’t a typo.

Do you have a few minutes to do a helpful exercise that will help to ensure a successful year? 

  • Write a letter to yourself and date it December 31, 2020.

  • State the resolution(s) you set for the year.

  • Have your future self tell your current self what the year looked like. 

  • Share your struggles and your accomplishments. 

  • Now, take the letter and make an action plan for how your goals will be accomplished by the end of the year. 

  • Take everything out of your head and write it down (note to self: goals won’t get done if they are not  written down and reviewed). 

My letter might look something like this:

Dear Nancy,

Today is December 31, 2020 and you rocked your resolutions—your 2020 goals.

You set out to take a deep dive into some old thoughts and you put on paper why you wanted to achieve this goal.

You made a plan to find your IDEAL weight rather than a selected number on the scale and again—your "why" was clear. 

You hired a coach, joined a community of people taking action and invested in continued learning.

 You struggled with old ideas and fell down.  You evaluated and tried again. 

 You confirmed that failure is the next step to success.

2020 was your year of growth and achievement—congratulations on having your back and keeping your commitments.

The main lesson is when you are beginning to focus on coaching—only take on one task at a time—you can’t solve it all at once and you are setting yourself up for overwhelm and possible failure.

Several years ago when I had weight loss as a goal I knew I needed assistance to stop retelling the weight loss/weight gain stories that were not serving me. 

I was tired of taking action, going fast and furious, and then spending an indulgent weekend and no longer taking action for the next nine months until the new year.

I finally buckled down and learned the value of self-coaching and sought the services of a certified life coach.  

I learned that my thoughts were creating my actions and results. With a shift of thoughts I created new results and reached my goals. 

Your goals may not be weight loss, they could be to stop over drinking, to find a new job or career, to fix your marriage or your relationship with your child- or to fix  your relationship with yourself (sometime we just don’t like who we have become).

I hope you reach all your resolutions in 2020 and I am here to help.  If you don’t see a time that works with your schedule—I often open up addition weekend hours when needed. 

Wishing you a year of growth and accomplishment in 2020.  

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