The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow...

The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow...

A few weeks ago on a Friday morning I was driving to work after an extended rain shower and I noticed a rainbow.

I called my husband who was still in bed to tell him that I saw a rainbow and as always, I shared that I believe a rainbow means that God is telling me something. Not even 10 minutes into my commute, with the rainbow still on my mind, there was a car accident in front of me.

What did I take the rainbow to mean that day? To me it meant to enjoy each moment of life because we don’t know how life might change in a second.

Last week I was on a sailing trip in the British Virgin Islands.  Most days there was a short rain shower and after the rain came a rainbow. With each rainbow we encountered came a flood of pictures taken by everyone in our group. Out of the five of us, we all agreed that my sister, Chris took the winning photo of a double rainbow.

Photo permission by Chris Lilley, Anegada, BVI

Photo permission by Chris Lilley, Anegada, BVI

I shared the photo on Facebook and took a quick survey of what comes to mind when people see a rainbow.
The answers I received centered around God, peace, happiness or a bit of good luck.
The point is, everyone will have a different perspective when they see a rainbow. The same can be said regarding any circumstance in your life, you are free to think whatever you want and it is ok. While we won't see a rainbow every day, we can work on creating thoughts that we love.  Thoughts that serve us rather than thoughts that create negative actions and results.
If you want to talk about changing your thoughts and creating a plan to achieve your goals, book an appointment for a free 45 minute  life coaching session. While I can’t promise you a rainbow, I can promise that you will see results from thought work.
Go look for your rainbow.

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