Are You Not Making a Decision?

Are You Not Making a Decision?

I was caught up in a myriad of things to do at my house, spinning out in indecision and not focusing on at least one task from start to finish.

And then I came across a quote from another life coach that changed my thinking for the weekend:

“At any given time you have two voices in your head. One will speak for pleasure, comfort, ease and familiarity. The other will speak for your dreams, goals and long-term desires. Which one are you going to listen to? Which one are you going to increase the volume on?" 

-Tyson Bradley

 Just when I needed to read this  message it was put in front of me. 

This weekend I accomplished so many goals because I increased the volume on all that I want to change and accomplish in my living space rather than listening to the voice that told me I could watch TV, read about people I don’t know on the internet or continue making the “to do” list but never taking action.

I selected a painter, selected paint colors, determined the furniture that I was going to donate to my son and daughter-in-law who will be moving cross country soon and will welcome Momma’s used furniture to fill their rooms. 

I searched on the internet for fabric to re-upholster a couple of chairs, found replacements for the bar stools, and created an excel sheet with deadlines. Yes, I increased the volume on my dreams within my home—all while being in quarantine. 

Today is the day that you ask yourself which voice you want to listen to. 

If you are ready to listen to the voice that speaks to your dreams, goals and long-term desires then book a free 45 minute coaching session and see if you are ready to change your thinking and achieve your goals.

Are you ready to search for the job that is perfect for you? Are you ready to talk about the manual that you have for how your husband should behave—that he never follows? Are you ready to talk about your workplace that lacks positive leadership and how you can go back to that environment after quarantine?

Which One Do You Feed?

Which One Do You Feed?

Are You in a State of Confusion?

Are You in a State of Confusion?