Are You in a State of Confusion?

Are You in a State of Confusion?

I coach women who are fund development professionals in the Non-Profit Sector.  

Typically, people reach out because they are confused about whether they should stay in their current position or to look for a new opportunity.

Let me tell you, several years ago I was in the same place.  I was raising money for a beautiful mission, within an organization that drained every inch of life from my soul. I came home at night depressed, frustrated and confused about why I couldn’t make a decision to move on.  I loved the mission, but I didn’t love the toxic environment.

Often, clients are at a point in their life where they are at a cross-road and are confused as to whether they should stay in the sector or pursue a life-long dream.

When I decided to get certified as a life coach, I knew I wanted to stay in the sector for years to come.  But I also knew that eventually I would feel a push toward the retirement pasture (the place where old fund development professionals go to hang out after age 66). 

I was at the cross-roads.  I wanted something to look forward to that was exciting where I could help women in the sector.  While I was reviewing many opportunities, my primitive brain was shouting that I was too old to learn new things, I shouldn’t spend a large amount of money on a 12-month certification program, I could never learn the technology and that starting a business was hard.

Through my certification training I learned how to accept that the negative talk in my brain was there –MAKING NOISE—and I listened, acknowledged and then kicked the negative thoughts to the curb.  

Hey, I was a teen in the 70’s when Helen Reddy was singing I am Woman, I took those words to heart and I moved from confusion to clarity.

If you are in a state of confusion at this time, click the link below and book a free 45 minute session to learn if life coaching works for you. 

The cost of one session is about the price of a manicure and pedicure (which you are not getting at the moment) you can invest in learning to coach your brain while you are hiding your fingernails. 

P.S.  Last week I promised that I would talk about your Future Self this week, but what I heard from clients was that it was more important to discuss confusion at this time.   

I keep my promises so if you want an exercise to work on about your Future Self send me an email requesting My Future Self-July 4th Independence Day at and I will send you homework. 

P.P.S.  We have a Facebook Group of over 250 Fund Development Women who are educating, inspiring and making new contacts and friends, join us at

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