Uncertainty is When We are Surrounded by the Unknown or We are Undecided...

Uncertainty is When We are Surrounded by the Unknown or We are Undecided...

Last week I coached numerous women who are plagued with a myriad of thoughts during this time of uncertainty. I heard from some of our peers that their thoughts were leaving them feeling hopeless and even desperate.

Uncertainty can be a painful state to be in, and it can make decision making a challenge. Personally, I feel that this is an opportune time to embrace uncertainty with curiosity! Instead of fighting the feelings or pushing uncertainty away, try following the steps below to embrace uncertainty and dive into those thoughts and feelings you are having.

  1. Write down what you are currently thinking in regard to uncertainty. This could be concerning your job, children, money, or other people suffering.

  2. Write down your feelings associated with those thoughts.

  3. Now, when you are thinking the thought, and processing the feelings associated with the thought—what do you think your actions and results might be?

  4. You can review and see if there might be a new thought that is more useful. Is there a slight shift in your thought process? Are you realizing that you can be curious about and explore how that might move you toward meaningful actions and results? 

  5. Now, sit back and ponder your thoughts about this uncertain time and become curious and creative about moving from thoughts of uncertainty to thoughts about the future.

Ponder your thoughts about uncertainty this week. Embrace uncertainty without resistance. Next week I will show you a way to take what you learned by embracing uncertainty with curiosity and start to focus on the future (tomorrow, next month, next year and five years).

If you want to join a Facebook Group of close to 200 fund development women working from home who might be talking about their thoughts on uncertainty ---join today and introduce yourself at https://www.facebook.com/groups/689653655178414/about/

I coach women in the non-profit sector and would love for you to join me for a free 45 minute session to discuss your thoughts about this uncertain time, or anything else that is preventing you from becoming your best self.

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Are You in a State of Confusion?

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