At the Life Coach School, a Concept I Learned is that Life is 50/50

At the Life Coach School, a Concept I Learned is that Life is 50/50

Fifty percent of the time, we will feel comfortable emotions like happiness, joy, and excitement. The other fifty percent of the time, we are going to experience uncomfortable emotions like anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration, etc.
I fought the idea of this concept and came up with reasons why it isn’t true. 
As I studied the concept, I faced the fact that I had spent most of my life trying to feel good--- all the time. I tried to make every situation pretty so that I didn’t need to face emotions that would prevent me from chasing what I perceived as happiness. 
Once, in a therapy session, I bragged that I was uber-optimistic and that my cup was always half full. The therapist raised an eyebrow, frowned, and then replied, “I hate to tell you, but your cup is half empty, and it has been for a long time.” 
I was outraged! How dare she be so bold as to shut down my Pollyanna act?
This concept is important is because it teaches us that we can stop trying to feel good all the time and accept that 50% of life might suck.

Rachel Hollis, author, motivational speaker, and blogger, coined the phrase “embrace the suck.”

With all the changes in the world right now, many of us are experiencing the fifty percent that is uncomfortable, and we don’t know how to embrace discomfort.

If you are ready to talk about embracing the 50% that is uncomfortable, circumstances that you are not choosing for this season in life, go to and book a free 45-minute session to see how life coaching can change your thinking---today.

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