The Need for Purpose is a Defining Characteristic of Humans

The Need for Purpose is a Defining Characteristic of Humans

Purpose is one of the components of a life worth living; it is why you exist.

When we don’t have a sense of purpose, we often struggle with boredom, anxiety, and for some, depression. Once we figure out our purpose and chart a path, life becomes more meaningful.

When we focus on our purpose, we can spend more time on what is right in our world rather than dwelling on what is wrong. Purpose can help us strengthen our self-confidence and our self-esteem.

Have you found your purpose, or are you still searching? Maybe your life is moving so fast that you haven’t taken the time to examine your life. Or, what if you are already living your purpose, and you no longer need to be a seeker? What if you are already in a purposeful life providing for others as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, or employee.

My teacher Brooke Castillo states that your life is your purpose and your purpose is your humanness.

If you want to talk about your purpose and how to embrace your humanness, book a free 45-minute session. What if your purpose is right in front of you and you haven’t seen it? I can help you find your purpose.

Joyfully yours,


P.S. Join my Facebook group of Women in Non-Profit who are living their purpose at

Listen to Your Heart!

Listen to Your Heart!

Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go!