Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go!

Do you remember when you were much younger, playing a game of tag and waiting with great anticipation for the self-appointed leader to yell Ready-Set-Go?

As you got older and possibly participated in running races you waited for the leader to say “On Your Mark...Get Ready... Go!”

Are you at a point in your life where you are waiting for your brain to pull the trigger and shout GO

  • Go embrace personal development

  • Go make a decision

  • Go start a business during a pandemic

  • Go apply for a position that will challenge you everyday

  • Go take your CFRE

  • Go move to a place that feeds your mind, body and spirit

We are reminded daily of the real and imagined risks in our world. These uncertain times are causing doubt and we aren’t stepping up to the starting line.

Doubt can leave us without motivation,  in a state of personal and professional stagnation and  not ready for the game of life.

Are you ready to discuss why you are in doubt and do you need  a leader you select to say Ready-Set-Go?

The risks in the world will remain but you can learn to rid yourself of the doubt, solve your dilemma and go forward in life.

If you are ready, go to and book a 45 minute session with a life coach for women in the non-profit sector who will prepare you with the mind-set to step up to your challenge with the tools to be the winner. 


Wishing you joy and success in life,


P.S.  Join a Facebook  group of Fund Development Women who are guiding each other through daily problems and challenging them to prepare for Ready-Set-Go at

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