Taking the First Step Toward Finding Your Happiness

Taking the First Step Toward Finding Your Happiness

Last year my best friend (also named Nancy) and I attended a retreat called The Happiness Retreat at the Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone, North Carolina.

It’s located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where beauty abounds, and joy and peace are readily available for those seeking it.

We did little research about the training, which is very unusual for us, but it was exciting to show up with no expectations, and both of us were open to a new experience.

While the instructors touched briefly on whether the participants were waiting for happiness or actively creating it, the training was primarily focused on various types of breathing and how breath links our inner world of silence to the outer world of action.

For two days, we were pushed out of our comfort zones as we participated in chanting, meditation, and practiced Sudarshan Kriya, a breathing technique that helps you clear your mind.

We learned that whatever you resist---persists. We discussed what it means to live an intentional life. We left feeling refreshed, invigorated, and focused on continuing our journey to living an intentional life.

While the Art of Living Retreat Center and so many other places of respite are closed due to Covid-19, there are plenty of different ways to create your own Happiness Retreat, where you can learn to stop resisting and focus on living your intentional life.

If you want to take your first step toward finding your happiness, go to https://nancybeardcoachingllc.com/booking and book a free 45-minute life coaching session.

I promise not to ask you to chant or practice Sudarshan Kriya, but I will share ways that are readily available to you today to help you create a fantastic outcome for your personal Happiness Retreat.



P.S.  If you want to join a group of amazing fund development women who are working to find their happiness in the workplace go to my Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/689653655178414/about/

Ready, Set, Go!

Ready, Set, Go!

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