I'm Proud of Myself for Getting a Grip on Our New Normal

I'm Proud of Myself for Getting a Grip on Our New Normal

For the last six months, I have been coaching women in fund development who are working on ways to handle the stress, accept the challenges, and for some, accept new opportunities in their new normal. In late March, I began working from home and did so for eight weeks, I survived, but it was not my ideal work environment. 

Zoom wasn’t a problem because I had been coaching via Zoom for a long time, so it was like an old friend.  
Instead of traveling to meet donors, I learned to call them on the phone and write letters; this was a successful shift that I was able to enjoy.

We canceled, rescheduled and canceled events.

Today, we launch a virtual employee campaign, and there is a good chance that it will be more successful than our previous face to face campaigns. In a few weeks, we launch three legacy dinners, and the donors won’t leave their home, who knew that was possible?

So, you wonder why I would say What’s Next? 

Today, when I was sitting on my back porch enjoying my first cup of tea, those of us in North Carolina experienced an earthquake! Yep, it was unlike any earthquake we’ve gotten in 100 years! All I could say is


But, in the next breath, I said: bring it on!

The vast majority of what is currently happening in the world is out of our control.  What we can control is how we handle what comes our way. I prepare for each new challenge and continue to have Plan A, B, and C because I will most likely go through all three.

What are you experiencing? How are you handling your What’s Next?

If you are tired of handling everything you are going through on your own and want some help, check out a free-45-minute session and see if you like the actions steps we create for you to move forward and form new plans (if you don’t find a time that works for you email me at nancybeardcoaching@gmail.comand we will find a time that works for you).

Best wishes,
P.S.  Join our group of over 400 fund development women who are asking What’s Next and moving forward

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