I CAN'T Because...

I CAN'T Because...

Do you remember back in elementary school, when learning new information was hard? 

A lot of us learned that you could throw a full-blown, drama queen fit and through tears scream “I CAN’T” because:

  • It is too hard

  • I don’t know how to do it

  • The teacher didn’t show us

  • I do not have the right pencils, pens, paper, craft supplies, books, etc.

Then we grow into adulthood, and that learned behavior stays with us. We still have the full-blown drama in our heads, and we get in a cycle of emotions.  

As adults, we play out the thoughts in our brains that might include:

  • I can’t leave my partner of 10 years because that would mean I wasted all those years

  • I can’t look for a new job because there aren’t any jobs that I would like

  • I can’t take time to walk and clear my mind because I must use my limited time with my children

  • I can’t say no to my adult children because they won’t speak to me if I don’t do what they want

  • I can’t figure out ZOOM because I am too old

  • I can’t create a virtual event because that is the way we do things in our organization

Are you stuck in a place of “I can’t” and need a safe place to untangle your thoughts to get where you want to be? Do you want to work on ways to think differently? Are you open to learning that you might be telling yourself something that isn’t true?

Are you ready to drop the dramatic I can’t because “_____” and tough it out while figuring out a way to make it to I CAN? Do you want to feel better?

I can help you move from CAN’T to CAN and move through the process quickly.

Testimonial from a client:

“I just wanted to thank you again for what you are doing…you were right - I am terrified of going back to a full-time job because I do not want to get hurt again. Wow. I have not been able to stop thinking about our conversation. You have a very special gift my dear.” 


Book your free ZOOM call to determine if I am the coach who can help you move to I CAN.

Much love,


P.S. Do you want to join a fun-hip group of fund development women who can be available for ideas and support 24/7? Join us!

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