Is Your Unreasonable Boss Driving You Crazy?

Is Your Unreasonable Boss Driving You Crazy?

Did you question your boss’s sanity before the Coronavirus, but now you are sure he or she is no longer grounded on earth?

Are you no longer being included in decision making concerning fund development? Do you no longer feel like you are in control? Has your organization downsized, and you are now doing multiple jobs while working from home?

Are you feeling hopeless at work? Are you numbing out and daydreaming about the next job? You are not alone.  

I coach many women who believe their unreasonable boss is driving them crazy. We can talk about your thoughts about your situation and how new ideas might offer immediate relief. 

If you are curious on how Life Coaching can help, go to and book a free 45-minute session.  One quick session and you can feel relief from the uncertainty and have clarity and know what to do to take back control of your life.    

I will show you how to gain full control even when your boss is completely unreasonable. You are at a crossroad and it’s up to you which path you choose.  

Read a testimonial from a client like you who had a boss who was driving her crazy:

“Nancy shared the CTFAR tool, which is incredibly beneficial. Using this tool helped me to make the changes I needed at work, which made me want to go to work now versus dreading going to work. I also love that this tool is something I can use in all aspects of my life.”  




P.S.  If you want to join a cool group of fund development women who are sharing ideas and making new friends go to

I CAN'T Because...

I CAN'T Because...

At the Life Coach School, a Concept I Learned is that Life is 50/50

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