You Were Not Born With Self-Confidence—You Earn It For Yourself

You Were Not Born With Self-Confidence—You Earn It For Yourself

Are you feeling like you lost confidence in yourself? 

Are you questioning your abilities in your work?

Are you questioning your abilities as a parent?

 Are you questioning your accomplishments?

 Is your brain going to fear, worry, and doubt? 

 Is your inner critic working on overload?


Can you shut your critic down by thinking the following thoughts:

  • You are good

  • You are capable

  • You are worthy

  • You have the ability to take risks

  • Failure is a path to success.

  • I have my own back

  • What others think about me is 100% about them.

Faith came to me as a client to discuss self-confidence, and she shares the following testimonial:

 “I did the free 45-minute session with Nancy and then signed up for six sessions to discuss self-confidence and my struggle with imposter syndrome. She challenged my thoughts and guided me toward believing in my abilities. I signed up for an additional six-weeks and she taught me step by step how to create a planned giving program. Today I feel confident in my abilities and believe that I am qualified to discuss legacy giving. The best news is I asked for my first legacy gift and received a letter of intent for a $50,000 bequest. I am loving myself and my chosen career in fund development for a health and human services organization in Colorado.”



Do you want to discuss how you can become a self-confident woman who loves your work and your life? 

Schedule a free-45 minute session at Booking — Nancy Beard Coaching and Motivational Speaking ( and discover how easy it is to do thought work and earn self-confidence.

Virtual hugs,

Nancy Beard

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