Are You a Rare Bird?

Are You a Rare Bird?

In December, my book club read a book titled A Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg.

While the intention of the book is not self-help, there were some amazing thought-provoking scenes.

In one chapter, the writer tells a story that leads the main character, Oswald, out to a boat dock where he is pondering life and while gazing he notices a unique and rare duck on the river all by himself. 
Oswald then goes into a bit of sadness as he spins thoughts in his head about his life and how he is like the duck---swimming alone. 
The reader naturally starts to ask questions like:

Why was the duck not with a mate or a flock?             
Why was it separated from the others?
There must be something wrong; ducks stick together.
Do you ever feel like the duck swimming alone?

Do you think others have their flock and you are searching for yours?

What if the writer would have taken a different direction and wrote about the bold and beautiful, majestic duck swimming alone?
What if we switch the narrative and say there is nothing wrong and some ducks like to travel the river alone?
As our minds create our story, can we think that the other ducks were swimming behind, admiring the confident and independent rare bird?
What if swimming independently is really a sign of the duck being a leader?
Are you a rare bird like the duck?
Do you often feel like you want to swim a different path than others?
Do you think you must follow what others are doing and swim with the bunch of ducks—even when it feels wrong?
What if a rare duck is exceptional and unique--- just like you?
I am a life coach who works with women in the non-profit sector---- and I love to work with rare ducks.
Together, we can dive in and do work that will help you embrace your uniqueness that makes you rare
Let’s talk about how I can help you make a difference in yourself so that you can move forward and make a difference in the world.
Take your first step and book your free 45-minute consultation with me to decide if working together is a good fit for you.
Schedule here Booking — Nancy Beard Coaching and Motivational Speaking (

Sending a big virtual hug to the rare birds,

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