I Love to Watch the Sunrise...

I Love to Watch the Sunrise...

I live at Lake Norman in North Carolina and I am filled with joy if I slide into my kayak right before dawn when there is just a slight bit of eerie fog rising from the water and head out to the main channel.

I can Google to get the exact time of sunrise, and it is usually spot on to make sure I arrive just in time.  

I wait patiently in anticipation of the orange, yellow, and red ball of fire to slowly make an appearance. It starts off slowly and then quickly makes its appearance in full glow to light up our day.  

I smile from ear to ear as if it is my first time seeing the show. I am 63 years young, and watching the sunrise is always a delight and brings me joy and child-like wonder.   

I never want to miss the show but don’t need to be in the water kayaking. I can get the same thrill walking early in the morning wearing my reflective vest, driving to work, or sitting on the dock with a cup of tea—preparing for the day.

I guide my clients to focus on what brings them joy, write it down, and on a daily basis—seek out joyful people, places, or things.

Sunrise brings me joy because it is about hope and promise. Sunrise is about starting over with a new day. Sunrise is about a comforting promise when people or things may no longer offer comfort.

What brings you hope and promise? What did you do today, or what will you do tomorrow to start your day doing what gives you a fresh start?

If you want to talk about hope, promise, and starting over, I offer a free 45-minute life coaching session reserved only for women who work in the non-profit sector.

I GUARANTEE that by the end of our time together, we will be able to define how you can once again find your joy in life and help you find the promise and direction for your future. 



Join a Facebook group of 449 women in non-profit who are joy-filled and be the special 450th member. 

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