I Am a Wee Bit Obsessed with Sunrises...

I Am a Wee Bit Obsessed with Sunrises...

A sunrise can energize, renew and give hope. 

Some say that a sunrise signifies that we each have another chance to get things right.

For me, a sunrise signifies a new beginning--- every day. 

How exciting to know that each day we have an opportunity to:

  • Rid ourselves of sad stories from our past that are preventing us from moving forward

  • Set a goal and create a plan with steps to move us forward

  • Take action to seek the job that utilizes our gifts and talents

  • Promise to love ourselves ---just as we are 

  • Drop the disappointment that people aren’t who we want them to be, and loving them for who they are

  • Affirming that we are confident women who can do anything we desire

Pick a day this month to get up early and go to a space where you can fully see the sunrise.

Listen for your inner voice as it guides you toward your new beginning.

If you want guidance on how to move toward your new beginning, then book a free 45-minute consultation at https://nancybeardcoachingllc.com/booking 

If you are curious about what it is like to work with me, below is a recent testimonial:

“Insightful, supportive, guiding, and encouraging - Nancy Beard has been this and so much more! I’ve had the blessing of working with Nancy, recently, as I was faced with some personal and career frustrations. I was stuck and didn’t know how to move forward. As we explored my passions, talents, and dreams, Nancy gently guided me with some much needed next steps. The tools she shared, along with her enthusiasm and positive energy helped me see circumstances and thoughts from a different perspective and a number of resources she shared with me helped me in ways I didn’t realize I needed. Thank you, Nancy” 

- Terri, Ohio



Nancy Beard

Old School vs. New Technology

Old School vs. New Technology

Challenge Yourself to do Something Hard

Challenge Yourself to do Something Hard