There's Still Time to Accomplish a Big GOAL!

There's Still Time to Accomplish a Big GOAL!

We are in the last quarter of 2020 (I hear a stadium of cheers) and I want you to ask yourself if you are on track to accomplish all that you planned for this year?

Did you put things off? Have you spent time spinning in confusion and resorting to the narrative of: “it will need to get done next year” while blaming COVID-19 and quarantine?

Guess what? People have accomplished great things during quarantine.

How did they do it? They stopped blaming all the challenges and started focusing on accountability. The difference between blame and responsibility is emotional adulthood vs. emotional childhood.

Emotional childhood is when we blame everything and everyone for our results. In emotional adulthood, we take full responsibility for our thinking, actions, and results; we hold ourselves accountable. If you haven’t achieved your goals, are you blaming the external world, or might you be turning it inward?

When you are using the blame game, you don’t have the ability to change or move forward.

Do you know that you have about 60,000 thoughts a day? Some of these thoughts are providing comfort and reassurance for why you didn’t accomplish your goal, and some are providing encouragement for how to get them accomplished before the end of the year. I can teach you ways to break down the goal and develop an action and accountability plan.

If you haven’t met your year-end goals, now is the time to double down with a plan and push forward. If you promised yourself that this was the year to change jobs, there is still time to find your joy in the workplace.

If you haven’t met personal goals, now is the time to focus and end 2020 a WINNER.

If you want to talk with a life coach about your goals and how you can double down contact me at for a FREE 45-minute session.
Wishing you a week filled with joy,
Note: If you are attending the Charitable Gift Planners virtual conference, join me on October 7th from 2:30-3:30 where I will serve as a panelist on a session titled:
Developing Confidence for the Gift Planning Conversations
Session information: Gift planning brings you into contact with people and subjects that may be outside your comfort zone. Experienced planners share advice for talking to wealthy people and their advisors and talking about assets, family issues, and death.

You’ll also get to talk with an executive coach who specializes in helping women advance their fundraising careers.

P.S. If you want to meet a great group of over 400 fund development women who are accomplishing their goals, then join my Facebook Group:

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