Procrastination is the Thief of Joy

Procrastination is the Thief of Joy

Years ago, I selected a quote as my mantra: “Procrastination is the thief of joy.” I looked it up to see to whom I should credit for the quote and learned that the original quote is: “Procrastination is the thief of time” by English poet Edward Young. Full disclosure, I adapted the mantra as my own because I have tendencies toward procrastination.
Okay, if we are being honest, we all put things off, especially things that are difficult or that we don't want to do. Here is the good news: everyone procrastinates, but not everyone is a procrastinator.
Did you know that procrastinators are usually perfectionists? And, it comes as no surprise that many women in fund development are perfectionists. I feel like standing up, raising my right hand, and stating, “My name is Nancy; while I am not a perfectionist, I am at times a procrastinator.”
I, like many, convinced myself that I work best under pressure. However, research has proven that to be false.
Procrastination is driven by thoughts, which then cause discomfort. The thought is often that we won’t like doing the task, or we don’t see the value or purpose. Then, when we don’t take action, we move it to the “to do” list the next day, the next week, or sometimes the next month.
When we procrastinate and don’t accomplish what we said we would do, anxiety takes over. Procrastination causes us to spend time beating ourselves up in our heads for not performing at our desired level. Then it becomes a cycle of postponing rather than scheduling the time and doing it!
Reasons why people procrastinate might include:

  1. Lack of structure in their work environment

  2. Lack of self-confidence in their ability to do the job

  3. Lack of motivation in various part of their life

  4. Use of the negative thought loop-reel

You are not alone. As a recovering procrastinator, I can help you change your mind-set. I can teach you how to stop delaying the action, stop beating yourself up for not doing the work, and stop putting off the opportunity to take a task off the list.
Join me for a 45-minute free coaching session and learn how to stop allowing procrastination to be your thief of JOY.
Best regards,


Join a Facebook group of Fund Development Women who can help guide you when you want to procrastinate

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