Listen to Your Heart!

Listen to Your Heart!

No, I am not referring to the song by Swedish pop music duo Roxette released in 1988, I am talking about listening to your emotions and your feelings. 

Emotions come from your mind, and possibly, your soul. Your thoughts trigger feelings. 

We can define “listening” in a broad manner to include the active process of receiving and responding to spoken and unspoken messages. Listening with curiosity helps you remain present in your life, paying attention to all that is happening and questioning the meaning.

Listening to your heart can mean to follow your intuition. I have heard teachers describe the heart as so much more than an organ in your body, it’s the place deep within where you can find emotional and spiritual wisdom.

(3) tips to allow space to listen to your heart?

  1. Introduce quiet time into your morning ritual to start the day from a clean and calm place. The Dali Lama suggests that “Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it.”

  2. Pay attention when your heart is speaking, make a note, and allow the flow to come naturally rather than forcing.

  3. At bedtime, list three things that you will accomplish the next day. In your mind, walk through the steps that are required to complete the tasks. Clearing your mind at bedtime allows room for creative thoughts to enter and your heart to speak.

Once you start to listen to your heart about your job, career, or personal relationships, you will become curious and maybe confused about the meaning. 

If you want help diving in, while being curious and open about the messages that are flowing, join me for a free 45-minute session to see if I am your person to help guide you through this time of change. 

A quote from one of my clients includes: “Your guidance led me to realize that I need to follow my heart if I’m going to live my best life.”

Enjoy listening to your heart.


P.S. Do you want to join together with a group of fund development women who follow their hearts? If so, join us at

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