Have You Ever Met Someone Who Seemed to Have Magnetic Energy Surrounding Them?

Have You Ever Met Someone Who Seemed to Have Magnetic Energy Surrounding Them?

Someone who had something that you couldn’t describe, but you wanted to be in their presence.

In 2012, I met The Rev. Dr. Dosia Carlson, a woman who was full of life and possessed something that made everyone she met want to lean in and learn from her. 


Two weeks ago, I learned that Dosia passed away at age 91 from COVID-19.

I struggled to wrap my mind around what made her so special, and I wanted to honor all that I learned from her. 

When I described her to a friend, I shared that what made her special was that she was totally present when she engaged in conversation. 

When she stopped to talk with you, she was all there and entirely experienced every moment.

In his book ‘Think Like a Monk,’ Jay Shetty shares that “being present is the only way to live a truly rich and full life.”

Dosia lived a rich and full life. 

Being present is about living mindfully and being focused and engaged in the here and now. 

I must admit that I struggle with being present and work each day to be more in the moment for the people in my life.

Are you present when you engage with others? 

Are you juggling so many balls that you are currently unable to be present?

If you want to start working on being present, try these five things when you are engaged in your next conversation at work or at home:

  1. Turn off your cell phone

  2. Take a deep breath and let it out through your nose

  3. Observe what you are doing and what you are thinking

  4. Be attentive and focus on the other person’s non-verbal communication

  5. Ask questions and listen intently

Being present requires taking charge of a runaway brain while having the desire to live a rich and full life. 

I help women take control of their thinking and focus on their life. 

If you want to talk about being present and work toward being like Dosia, then book a free 45-minute session at https://nancybeardcoachingllc.com/booking, and we can discuss how you can have that magnetic energy that draws people to you.


Nancy Beard,

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