The North Star is Used by Explorers When There are No Other Landmarks to Guide Them...

The North Star is Used by Explorers When There are No Other Landmarks to Guide Them...

Teacher and coach Martha Beck wrote a book titled: “Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live”.

To summarize the book, Martha teaches that we all have a North Star inside of us that helps us find the right life that we are intended to live.  She teaches that nobody but you can find your North Star, and no one but you has the power to keep you from finding it.

Have you found your path to your right life or are you still searching for it? Are you waiting for a meaningful life to come to you or are you ready to start navigating and exploring? 

Can you list 10 things that you want in your right life? Go ahead and make that list.

Are you ready to work with a coach who will help you find your way towards your dreams and your right life? Today is a perfect day to start a new expedition as you set out to follow your North Star!

When you work with a life coach you have a companion that you can trust walking beside you and sometimes leading the expedition when needed.

Go to and see how others have been helped to find their North Star and their right life. Book a free 45-minute session and learn how to navigate without landmarks to find the life you were meant to live.
Joyfully, Nancy
P.S.  Join a Facebook group of fund development women at

I Have Spoken to Many People this Week Who are Wrapped up in WORRY...

I Have Spoken to Many People this Week Who are Wrapped up in WORRY...

Okay, how honest are we going to be about the amount of TV that we've watched since mid-March?

Okay, how honest are we going to be about the amount of TV that we've watched since mid-March?