I Have Spoken to Many People this Week Who are Wrapped up in WORRY...

I Have Spoken to Many People this Week Who are Wrapped up in WORRY...

 They are worried about COVID-19 and if it will affect their family. They are worried about when they will return to work and if things will ever be normal again.

They are worried about the horrific acts of racism in America and how they can take action.

They are worried about finding a job. They are worried about being at a crossroad decision and choosing the wrong path. They are worried that they are living a life that no longer fulfills their dreams. They are worried that they no longer can identify their dreams.

Here is the good news…. worry is unnecessary.

Worry is an emotion caused by a thought we have about our past or future. Worry is responsible for you not reaching your dreams. Worry causes you to not take action. Worry makes you believe it is an action.

Ask yourself what you are worried about?
Write down the facts associated with what you are worried about (facts are something everyone would agree on—they are not opinions). Ask yourself: what is the worst thing that can happen?
Make the conscious decision to let go of what you can’t control in the past and in the future. Make a decision for what you can control in the present-- and take action. 
If you are spending much time in worry mode, make an appointment for a free 45-minute life coach session and learn how you can live in today and focus on your dreams in the future—worry free.
Have a marvelous week.
Joyfully, Nancy
P.S.  Join our Facebook group of Fund Development Women who are educating, inspiring and encouraging their peers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/689653655178414/

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