How Can You Radiate Positive Energy in Your Life?

How Can You Radiate Positive Energy in Your Life?

On Sunday I was leaving Blowing Rock, North Carolina and stopped at one of the family-owned stores at the side of the mountain that sells moccasin, t-shirts, jam, homemade fudge, birdhouses, boiled peanuts, toy tomahawks, and more. If you have traveled through this area, you know that kids love these shops, and parents hope they can whiz by without the kids noticing. 
As I was preparing to leave and get in my car, I saw a man walking toward me with a walking stick. He was smiling from ear to ear, and I had to meet him. I walked up to him and said hello.
I introduced myself, and he shared that he was Mr. Tillman and that yesterday was his birthday ---he turned 99 years old. I was shocked; there wasn’t a wrinkle on his face. He also shared that he had never been sick a day in his life. He said that he walks or hikes every day.
Have you ever met someone who the minute you meet them you are pulled to their positive energy? Have you met someone and in minutes you knew you could be fast friends?
I think of Mr. Tillman and the fact that he wears a permanent smile and doesn’t have a wrinkled face—could the two go hand in hand? What if all of us are capable of being someone like Mr. Tillman that others are drawn to and want to meet from the moment they see us? What if we could think about life in ways that make us smile instead of frown, maybe the wrinkles would stay at bay?
You can be the person who lights up the room when you smile; after all, a smile is just a frown turned upside down. You can be the person others want on their team, as their partner or as their best friend. Do you want to be the person others want to meet? Do you want to be the person in the interview who wows the interviewers with your positive energy?
If you are looking to make changes and find your positive energy, reach out to me today to schedule your free 45-minute life coaching session!

Joyfully, Nancy

PS  If you want to join a group of Fund Development Women with Positive Energy join us at

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