Living in Uncertainty Can Make You Feel EMPTY

Living in Uncertainty Can Make You Feel EMPTY

We are living through a trifecta of political, pandemic, and racial uncertainty.

In the United States, we have been living in uncertainty in political unrest for a long time. We have been anything but united.

It doesn’t matter if our elected officials are Democrats, Republicans or Independent. What matters is if they have the desire for social justice in their hearts and if they stand up and get to work to make a difference in our country.

As a society, we are feeling divided and broken.

Since March, we have been living in uncertainty through a pandemic. The world became uncertain when for the first time since 1918 when we faced a severe pandemic

We were told to go home and stay away from friends, loved ones, workmates, and more, so we sheltered in place and worked to create a routine and a sense of certainty. We got it-- our world went into chaos with the pandemic, and we did our part to make it subside and go away.

We have been living in uncertainty as we work to process horrifying acts of prejudice and unrest. Together, we are working to have meaningful and long-lasting dialogue while listening and facing conversations on race. As a white woman, it is time for me to double down on my efforts to listen, process, and take action with those who want a better tomorrow for the next generation.

But we are all worn out!

Living in uncertainty causes:

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Lack of Focus

  • Depression

  • Lack of Interest

  • Fear of the Future

  • Job Dissatisfaction

  • Marital Angst

  • Buffering

  • Overeating

  • Over-Drinking

Living in uncertainty can take away your hope for the future and your dreams. You don’t need to feel alone, and you no longer need to suffer through the list of current-day ailments.

I am offering a special day reserved for free 45-minute coaching sessions on Friday, July 3rd, from 10:00 to 5:00 for you to book a free 45-minute life coach session and see if it is right for you. This coaching is for women in the non-profit sector who live in uncertainty and are ready to move from chaos to calm.

Joyfully, Nancy

P.S. If you haven’t signed up, join a Facebook Group of Fund Development Women in the non-profit sector who are helping each other through uncertainty at

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