We Are All Struggling to Make Sense Out of Our Changing World...

We Are All Struggling to Make Sense Out of Our Changing World...

The longer we spend confined to our homes due to the quarantine, the harder it becomes to see an end in sight. As the days turn into weeks, the prospect of this being our new normal starts to become more and more real.

 As fund development professionals, it is always easier to focus on everyone else who is hurting and try to figure out how we can help them.

But I am here to challenge you to take some time to focus on YOU.  How are you doing?  What are you feeling? Maybe during this time you have been forced to face the reality that you weren’t really happy in your job, which has you questioning your options. Maybe you are at home with a couple of children, husband, and a dog… and life seems overwhelming.

 Or are you diving headfirst into the pantry trying to mask your fear for the future?

I am offering free services on Thursday April 9th from 8-5:00.  That’s right---FREE for Fund Development Women in Non-Profit. No mention at all about price or future work!

 This is my way of giving back.  I normally coach on nights and weekends, but I am taking a vacation day from my full-time job to give back to you.

 I can coach you for 45 minutes on what you are thinking or feeling due to COVID-19 or anything else.  We can talk about what you want to see today and in the future.

If you want to get in on the one day only go to https://nancybeardcoachingllc.com/booking and book an appointment and I will send you a link for ZOOM or we can Facetime—your choice.

 I believe in Life Coaching and my fabulous coach  Michelle Galloway offered the following poem to her clients and I wanted to share with you today.

 Kathleen "Kitty" O’Meara (1839-1888), a writer from the late Victorian period wrote during a pandemic:

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Uncertainty is When We are Surrounded by the Unknown or We are Undecided...

Uncertainty is When We are Surrounded by the Unknown or We are Undecided...

We Are All in This Together

We Are All in This Together