Are You Pretending to be Happy During the Holiday Season?

Are You Pretending to be Happy During the Holiday Season?

I recently bought a decorative kitchen towel that reads: “My Christmas Wish is to Live in a Hallmark Movie” (trust me—it was a joke).

You know the script: Everyone is excited to go to a family member’s home! They have loads of beautifully wrapped presents (no one has a financial concern), they bake cookies and drink cocoa with marshmallows, and they joyfully sing Christmas carols on key!

But, all Hallmark movies always have one thing that stands in the way of that “perfect” fairytale ending. Maybe a loved one can’t get home for Christmas (but they always end up making it back in time to celebrate the holidays with their family), or someone’s car breaks down on a snowy road (but Santa happens to be in the area and gives them a lift through the blizzard in his sleigh.)

YIKES! Have you ever met anyone who lives that life?

I mean someone who REALLY lives the Hallmark life, not just someone who posts a couple of well-staged photos on Facebook to make it look like they are living the dream.

Very few of us have a Hallmark Christmas—yet, we think we are the only ones suffering during the holidays.

I have had many years with a great Christmas and many years when the Christmas season sucked (typically because I would replay sad memories in my head).

There were years when I had an abundance of money and years when there was little to scrape together. Years when I ate too much and drank too much—hoping the fa-la-la season would pass before I exploded or fell over.

But one thing that I always had was an abundance of love to share with those who were closest to me, which is what truly matters most. 

So the question is...Are you just pretending to be happy during the holiday season?

Trust me, I understand—the holiday season can be tough-but you don’t need to feel alone.

With just a little work on changing your thoughts, you won’t have to pretend anymore. You can feel loved and connected to others - the circumstances may not change but your mindset can. 

Click the link at the bottom of this page to schedule a free 45 minute consultation for this week that will help you through the holiday season and beyond.  

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