Do You Love Yourself?

Do You Love Yourself?

Love yourself first because that is who you will be spending the rest of your life with.
— Unknown

Many wise people have stated that you can only really love others when you first love yourself.

Do you love yourself? Your whole self? Do you love who you are when you show up at work? Do you love the whole package—your mind, body and spirit? Or, do you take parts of you and compare and contrast such as I love my ability to multi-task and reach my goals , but I don’t like the way I convey my thoughts when put under pressure in a meeting. Or, do you say I love my hair, but I hate my thighs?

There is a voice inside us that works hard each day to break down our thoughts about ourselves. It is a nasty voice that will always be ready to launch toxic barbs when we try new things.

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Do I understand how to control negative thoughts that destroy my ability to love myself?

  2. Do I lack self confidence that prevents me from self-love?

  3. Am I an example to my children and others on the importance of loving me?

Working with a Life Coach will be a process to guide your thoughts on what you love about you. For some, the process might guide you to feel complete love for all of you—for the first time ever. Are you ready to make a commitment to begin 2020 by fully, 100% loving you? I can hear the self-doubt voice saying that isn’t possible, no one loves themselves all the time.

But guess what, it is possible, and you can feel amazing.

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