Even as a Child, I Analyzed My Thoughts and Searched for Meaning...

Even as a Child, I Analyzed My Thoughts and Searched for Meaning...

I carried it into adulthood and spent an overwhelming amount of time analyzing what I was thinking and coming up with plans A, B, and C to cover all my bases in any life scenario.

I observed my thoughts, but no one ever taught me that my thoughts might be wrong, and they can be changed.

I observed my thoughts, but I NEVER took the scary step to understand the feeling or vibration caused by the story I was telling in my head.

I observed my thoughts, but I did not know that there were additional steps that connected thoughts to results.

I teach thought work, and the basic premise is:

  • Look at your circumstance(must be a fact)

  • Focus on your thoughtabout the circumstance

  • Analyze your feeling about the thought

  • Observe your actions or lack of action due to the feeling about the thought

  • And finally, your result will tie back to what you are thinking

I have over-simplified our complex and often overwhelming daily brain activity for this blog, but you get the gist.

I have been doing much thought work about 2020, and I describe it as 2020, the year that took me down a rabbit hole.


Here is how I have been looking at 2020:

Circumstance: 2020

Thought: I am going down a rabbit hole due to a world including our nation, my state (NC), and my community that I do not understand

Feeling: Confusion


  • Let my mind spin without focus

  • Spent too much time watching the news

  • Binged on Social Media

  • Overeating

  • Stopped daily exercise

Result: Yep, I went down a rabbit hole, and it was not pleasant.

Recently, I worked hard to change my thinking to get a grip on all that is happening in the world.

I cannot change much in this world at this time, but I can change my thoughts and did so with an intentional model that became:

Circumstance: 2020

Thought: 2020 offered an opportunity for many new heroes, generous donors, role models, and leaders to show their passion for our world and humankind while making a BIG difference.

Feeling: Optimistic


  • Created a list of heroes and was in awe of how people stepped up to help during adversity

  • Created a list of generous donors and philanthropists during 2020 who felt the overwhelming needs and gave generously

  • Created a list of people who have stepped into leadership, including parents who continued their full-time jobs at home while homeschooling their children

Result: I jumped on the “Joy Bus” and changed the focus of my thoughts to all the positivity that is prevailing during darkness rather than staying in the rabbit hole of negativity.

What did I learn?

2020 did not take me down the rabbit hole; my thoughts took me there.

I made the choice to dive headfirst into everything negative and forgot to balance my thoughts---there was beauty right in front of me that deserved to be seen and recognized.

Note, my thoughts did not shift overnight. I stayed in the rabbit hole for months and months.

I am typically an overly optimistic person who naturally sees the best in every situation, but I allowed my thoughts to detour and get off track.

If you have gone down a rabbit hole and want to talk about how to climb out, then I can help.

It is ok to share that your thoughts, actions, and results in 2020 are not reflective of who you want to be in 2021.

If you want to feel like the strong professional woman you are who makes a difference in the world, then make an appointment to join me for a free no-obligation consultation at Booking — Nancy Beard Coaching and Motivational Speaking.

Holiday blessings,


P.S. If you have not joined our Facebook group of Fund Development Women, jump in, and join the conversations https://www.facebook.com/groups/689653655178414/about/

Great News...You Made it Through Challenging Times

Great News...You Made it Through Challenging Times

Are You Reviewing 2020 and Reflecting on All That You're Thankful For?

Are You Reviewing 2020 and Reflecting on All That You're Thankful For?