Are You Really Fine?

Are You Really Fine?

I have been silent for the last four weeks and I missed being with you.

I needed time to research and ponder life.

But, I am back and on a crusade gathering data and asking friends, family, peers and donors how they are doing and for the most part the answer is  I AM FINE!

I continue to ask: How Can We Be Fine When We Are in Such a Chaotic Time?

Are you operating under the assumption that you can fake it until you make it to FINE?

I stand guilty and am here to say I AM NOT FINE!

  • I am not fine as I watch all of us in non-profit working harder than ever with fewer resources and greater expectations.

  • I am not fine with 24 hour news coming at me and never knowing who I can TRUST to give unbiased reporting (is this possible or has the truth bar been lowered to non-existent).

  • I am not fine with the political divide (one side believes they are the all knowing smart guys and the other is the ignorant, uncaring group).

  • I am not fine seeing the number of serious COVID cases of people who are being hospitalized and I am not fine with those who down-play the seriousness of a global pandemic.

  • I am not fine with lock-downs beginning again-—I like many others am a social creature—I want and need IN PERSON.

  • I am not fine when I can’t shake hands or hug.

  • I am not fine when it comes to short-term and long-term planning and knowing there MUST be Plan B and Plan C.

  • I am not fine with my brain playing a negative game that includes thinking I shouldn’t express that I am not fine because I have two fabulous jobs, a family I adore, good health, etc. while others are facing severe challenges.

I am visualizing myself in ancient Greece standing on a box in the town square debating the word FINE and then shouting I AM NOT FINE. 

But, as we have been taught by ancient philosophers, we know that if we dig deep and uncover all the layers we will get to meaning.

I have been digging into what causes me to not feel fine, and I am ready to change the narrative as I adjust to the challenges in our modern world.

Saying I AM NOT FINE isn’t a weakness, it is an acknowledgment of what I am thinking.

You don’t have to say that you are FINE if you aren’t, come up with a different response like:

  • I am meeting all the new challenges head on

  • This world is confusing to me at this moment

  • I am pondering when a line was drawn and people divided

  • I am working on feeling FINE

You don’t have to say you are fine because you think people don’t care (find your people who care and stay close).

You don’t have to say you are fine because you believe it is a sign of weakness (honest self-assessment is a sign of strength).

Talking openly can lead to an “ah ha” moment that moves you toward your healthy version of FINE.

If you are not fine and you are feeling depressed then you might want to seek the help of a licensed therapist ---please know that I will be sending you a virtual hug and a pat on the back for being so brave.

Ask yourself, am I really FINE?

If you are not fine and you want o get out of your mind-spin while utilizing new tools that will help you move forward then consider booking an appointment with me, a certified life coach who works exclusively with women in non-profit.  I know the joy and the pain points of our work.  

Or maybe you want to evaluate if FINE is where you want to go—what if you wanted to be able to answer truthfully---I AM FABULOUS.

If you want to get to FINE  then all we need to do is set up a time to chat. 

I work one-on-one with women who want to look at their thoughts, talk about their feelings (yikes), create comfortable action steps and then—voila—reach their goal.

I love what I do so much that I am offering you a free 45 minute session where we can get together on ZOOM and talk about the meaning of your life. Book your free session here!

Last week I headed out on a family vacation for self-care and to recharge my thoughts concerning the beauty in the world vs. the chaos.

I look forward to helping you make a shift that can transform your life.

Until next week,

Nancy Beard, CFRE

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