Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone

Do Something Out of Your Comfort Zone

Can you grow into becoming your best self if you always stay in your comfort zone?

Do you try new things that make you uncomfortable?

What would it take for you to do something that makes you uncomfortable this week?

The comfort zone is a mental concept free from risk and growth. When we step out of our comfort zone we often enter a panic zone where we instantly want to retreat to the safety of the known, that which we determine as safe, rather than the unknown that we believe to be scary and unsafe.

For several years I talked to my friends and family about my desire to attend a silent retreat. They all have the same reaction--they laugh-- and then ask why. They also laugh and share their belief that it isn’t possible for me to be quiet for two days.

I am an extrovert who engages in conversation with anyone, anywhere, so the thought of being silent for two days is SCARY. But, my thought that this would be beneficial to me is one that I finally decided to attach action steps. As I was scrolling through Facebook on Friday night I saw information from a retreat center I follow in North Carolina that is offering a Silent Retreat in November for 12 people.

So, after three years of not taking action I decided: no more thought, no more worry, no more excuses, I hit the link, paid the money and took one of the twelve coveted spots (I can hear me describing this to family members and their reaction being “So you pay, to go to a place, to be quiet—can’t you do that at home).

My answer will be, sometimes we need to go to another place or reach out to another person to set aside time to dig deep and become vulnerable.

What do I hope to gain from this soul searching,  retreat without access to my computer, I-Pad and (2) cellphones?I hope to:

Rebalance my time by moving away from the internet and the constant noise, information updates and shopping pleasures.

  • Re-gain alignment of my mind, body and spirit.

  • Uncover creative thoughts and new ideas that expand upon me becoming my best self.

  • Tap into new thoughts on how I can offer more to my clients.

  • What have you wanted to do that pushes you out of your comfort zone?

Maybe it is talking to your boss about a difficult topic, offering suggestions during a strategic planning meeting or meeting a donor and asking for a gift.

For some of you it may be zip lining, running a 10K or learning a new language.

This week take your thoughts out of your comfort zone, go through the panic zone and move toward living your best life.

If you want to talk via phone or text (704-915-5807) or book a consultation, I am happy to help you take steps outside of your comfort zone.

Until Next Week,

Nancy Beard

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