Is Your Work Meaningful?

Is Your Work Meaningful?

For many years I raised funds for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

What I noticed was that the lovely folks I represented were looking for meaningful work.

They didn’t want someone to make them do a job unsuitable for them; they wanted to choose their jobs.

If they were extroverts, they didn’t want to be forced to sit in a chair and put bits in a bag in a workshop; they wanted to use their gift of hospitality to benefit others.

They wanted to contribute.

They wanted to use their gifts and talents to give back to the world.

What do you consider meaningful work?

Does your career need to qualify as meaningful work, or can you hold a volunteer position that feeds your soul and fits your definition of meaningful?

How do you know when it is meaningful?

Some clues that you are engaged in meaningful work might include:

  • You get a sense that your work is impactful and might make a difference.

  • You are excited to start doing the work.

  • You feel fulfilled just by participating.

  • You feel satisfied and energized.

  • You want to share the joy of your work with others.

I coach many women who at one time called their work meaningful, but their thoughts about poor non-profit management now prevent them from feeling the joy they once felt.    

There are many reasons why it might be time to reevaluate what is meaningful to you. 

Are you doing meaningful work?

What is your definition?

Are you ready to explore what meaningful work might be for you?

If so, book a free consultation. We will spend 45 minutes talking about what is meaningful to you.

If you are doing meaningful work, email me ( and share what you are doing and why it fulfills you.

Have a fabulous week.

Nancy Beard

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