Are You Banging Your Head?

Are You Banging Your Head?

This week I was working with a film crew to create a 50th-anniversary video production for the non-profit where I work.

We were filming inside a community room and noticed that a beautiful red Cardinal was banging its head against the window. 

I remarked about how odd it was to see the bird continuing to bang against the window. 

Because I call myself the Queen of Google, I quickly typed the silly question “Why do Cardinals bang their head against the window” and learned there are a few reasons:

  1. They may be attacking their reflections and think another bird is invading their territory

  2. They think they are flying into open space

  3. Or, they may have recently eaten fermented berries and are disoriented (note to self—don’t eat fermented berries)

I inquired further and was told the Cardinal has been visiting that window for five years—doing the same thing.

Instantly I thought about how many of us often go for years attempting continuously and fruitlessly to accomplish some task that seems ultimately hopeless.

Maybe we don’t actually bang our head against a glass window, but often we do something the same way, over and over, expecting a new result.

When was the last time you caught yourself doing the same thing, expecting a new result, yet nothing changed?  

Did you change your approach, or did you give up?

I wonder if the Cardinal ever attempted to fly around the building where there are many entrances that would allow easy access into the building. The bird could be free from multiple years of disappointment.

Do you ever have the same conversation, in the same tone, with a workmate and want to bang your head because you never see eye to eye or make progress?

Do you ever tell yourself that tomorrow will be a new day with a new plan—yet you always go back to the comfort zone where you find frustration and disappointment?

Email me and share the last time you were the Cardinal banging your head against the window over and over and over.

Visit my website at, read my previous blogs, and see if there are any words of wisdom that I might offer to help you stop banging your head. 

If you want to learn how I coach my peers in the non-profit sector, send me an email or text 704-915-5807 and we can set up a time to chat.

Have a beautiful week.


Nancy Beard

Sit in Silence

Sit in Silence

Last August, my fourteen-year-old grandson and I started to plan a post-COVID trip to Washington, DC.

Last August, my fourteen-year-old grandson and I started to plan a post-COVID trip to Washington, DC.