Best Friends

Best Friends

Do you have a best friend? I believe a best friend is someone you can go to at any time, day or night and tell them your darkest secrets, and they still love you!

Best friends are people who don’t have a manual for how you are supposed to act and they love you no matter what. They know the good, the bad and the ugly–and they still think you reign supreme. 

Did you have a best friend when you were a child? Do you have a best friend today? Some people state that “grown women” are too old to talk about best friends. 

Of course, not everyone needs or wants a best friend, but the research shows that women who enjoy higher-quality close friendships have lower social anxiety, increased self-worth and fewer symptoms of depression. 

I coach women who often share that they are not self-confident, feeling anxiety or that they are saying unkind words to themselves. I always ask if they would say those same words to their best friend?

At times, when it is appropriate, we do what I call Best Friend Visualization. If they have a best friend, we proceed with an exercise that allows the client to feel that their best friend is with them in the room. If they they don’t have a best friend, we talk about what a best friend might look like, and if there is a person in their life who might fit that category. It might sound crazy–but having a best friend in the room or the thought of a best friend will bring joy to your life. 

I have a best friend and we have been together through thick and thin for 43 years. The interesting part is that we only lived in the same city for two of those years. My best friend brings me joy!   

Send me an email and tell me about your best friend. 

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