Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

I was on a coaching call when one of my clients very nonchalantly said, “Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.”

We stopped and paused for a few seconds, and then I asked her to repeat the quote.

She repeated the words and shared that this is a phrase that is often used in recovery groups.

I have been pondering the words for weeks and how those simple words sum up a primary stumbling block for change.

It was quite the “eureka” moment. Those words are the mantra we need for whatever problem we are dealing with.

I am trying to lose a few pounds, and I tried it out when I started to go for a second handful of nuts—the weight loss goal will not be achieved if I eat another handful of nuts.—Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

I tried it out when I had the same negative thought that I have been trying to change about an acquaintance; I recited the quote, and I made a shift from trying to change to “I will change my thought” .-Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes. 

What do you want to change this week?

What little change can you make to guide you to your desired outcome?

Why is change scary?

Why is it easier to continue doing things the same way and getting the same results? 

Try this for Seven Days:

  1. Think about the change that you want to make.

  2. Write down the one step you can take today to head you toward your goal.

  3. Now the scary part—take action-without excuses and without hesitation---just do it!

  4. Tomorrow—take action again—even when your inner voice is telling you it won’t work.

  5. Next day—take action again—even when others are telling you it won’t work.

  6. Take action for seven days and note how it feels to make a change.


Congratulations—you are on your way to a different result.

Change is exciting and scary, and eye-opening. 

Change opens doors to your future.

Change moves you to the life you are meant to live.

Change leads you to your joy.

If you want to talk about the change you want to create in your life, then join me for a free consultation and we can find the change that is right for you.



Nancy Beard

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