What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger

In 2011 Kelly Clarkson released the song What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger.  Isn’t it interesting how she couldn’t have known then, that in a decade she was going to go through a divorce that could have broken her.  Yet, I’ll bet after a period of grief that Kelly pulled out the words from that song and sang them at the top of her voice while she cried tears of brokenness.  

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche first stated, “Out of life’s school of war-what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”  The words are used to share that resilience overcomes adversity.

Sometimes when you are in the midst of despair it is hard to imagine that what you are going through will make you stronger.  Often, at that moment you don’t care about getting stronger, you need to stay in the moment and soak in the sadness and feel the emotions.   Guess what…you are doing it right, we need to feel the sadness to get to happiness. Situations that make you feel broken will eventually strengthen you when you are ready to walk through the misery and get some relief.

Are you experiencing a life situation that is feeling like it just might break you to the point you will never mend?  

Is a close friend or family member in the midst of despair due to:

  • Divorce

  • Drug or Alcohol Abuse in Your Family

  • Loss of Job

  • Death of Family Member

  • Loss of Purpose

  • Lack of Joy

Take a minute and breathe.  There is a way out and you will become stronger.  

We are women with strength and what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

Suggestions you can follow today:

  • Name the problem and say it outloud

  • Reach out to a trusted friend

  • Share your situation with a family member

  • Call on a higher power and put the problem at the center

  • Call a therapist or a life coach

  • Seek and secure a compassionate group of women to walk you through your adversity

If you want a life coach to help guide you through your journey reach out to me TODAY at nancybeardcoaching@gmail.com.  If you want to see testimonials from women who have worked with me to become stronger, visit my website at https://nancybeard.com/testimonials.

Note: The website and registration opens July 1 for the Women With Strength Conference in Denver, NC that will be held on October 14th.   Plan to spend a day with women who will show you support while they encourage, inspire and challenge you to become your best self. 

Big hug, 


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