Good Morning to My Fund Development Friends...

Good Morning to My Fund Development Friends...

Spring is here.

How are you?

Are you ready to take on the week and do something extraordinary to make a difference for your organization?

Are you ready to take a risk and do something life-changing for yourself?

We are four months into 2021—what are your goals for the year?

Are you taking action to achieve your goals?

Are you slaying them?

Are you taking baby steps?

Or, are you still looking at them and wondering why you can’t get started?

I had a goal for 2020 that I pushed to 2021.

I want to do a TED Talk. 

I attended a session in 2020 on how to get selected for TED and learned that only about 5% of applicants are chosen. 

My thought has been that I am in the 95% that won’t be selected and I felt defeated before I started.

Last week I received an email announcing that applications are being accepted for October 2021 TED.

I opened and looked at the email at least twenty times. 

I started the application and then went down a rabbit hole watching TED Talks.

I went to bed last night thinking about what I have to say that others might want to hear—do I have anything of value?

I woke up this morning and said yes, I have years of experience and tons of wisdom—I have something of value to say.

This morning I got up an hour early, made my tea, and thought:

  • “What if I am in the 5% that gets selected?”

  • “What if I don’t get selected, but I get good advice on how I could change the application and try again?”

  • “What if I don’t get selected, but I did what I said I was going to do: I took action toward achieving a goal?”

If you haven’t made a dent in your goal(s), no problem! There is still plenty of time in 2021 to figure out what you are thinking and why you haven’t taken action. From there, you can start tweaking the goal and diving in headfirst.

If you want to talk about how you can get on track to make 2021 the year you made a difference for yourself and your organization, then send me a text at 704-915-5807 to arrange a time to talk or go to my website and book a no-charge 45-minute session and we can discuss how you can meet your 2021 goals Nancy Beard Coaching and Motivational Speaking (

Have a beautiful week. 

Last August, my fourteen-year-old grandson and I started to plan a post-COVID trip to Washington, DC.

Last August, my fourteen-year-old grandson and I started to plan a post-COVID trip to Washington, DC.

All in the Groove!

All in the Groove!