Go Where You Are Celebrated

Go Where You Are Celebrated

I love quotes and saw one last week that stated “Don’t Stay Where You Are Tolerated, Go Where You Are Celebrated.”  Wow, that is powerful.

Are you being tolerated or celebrated?

In your personal and professional life I hope you strive for nothing short off being celebrated. 

Celebrated for your gifts and talents.
Celebrated for your inner and outer beauty.
Celebrated for your giving heart.
Celebrated for your brain and brawn.
Celebrated for your leadership.
Celebrated for your uniqueness.

While you are waiting for others to CELEBRATE you, why not start the celebration on your own.

You could celebrate the moment your inner critic told you that you look great in that new outfit. 
Or, what about celebrating the time you met a deadline or reached a stretch goal?  

You can celebrate you.

If you are at a place in your life where you are not being celebrated, let’s talk about how we can turn that around.

Maybe you don’t know what it is like to be celebrated. Or, maybe a little voice in your head is telling you that you don’t deserve to be celebrated.

Book a free 30 minute session and we can talk about how you can CELEBRATE you so that you attract others who will do the same.

Sending you much love this week as I celebrate you.  

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